
Day 200. Nano-art

In february 2013 on February 28, 2013 at 2:09 pm


I have a post-card version of this painting by Del Kathryn Barton blue-tacked onto the side of my book shelf; I can see it when I work.

Entitled You are what is my beautiful about me, it depicts Del with her two children.

I saw the original in Sydney in 2008, the year it won The Archibald Prize.

It was memorising. And not just because the subject matter resonates with me, not just because I love the beautiful eyes, skin and hands of the subjects, not just because it features the beautiful Sturt’s Desert Pea.

Because it made me think about science. Nanotechnology in particular. The very, very finely-painted green, mottled background is reminiscent of tiny structures in gecko skin, in lotus leaves, in carbon nanotubes.

Strangely enough, it also reminds me of blue-green algae.

  1. I adore the way you make me look at things Sarah, thank you for that.

  2. Pleasure Nat. Aren’t the colours beautiful too…I’m looking a lot at colours around me since your workshop, actually.

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