
Archive for the ‘September 2016’ Category

Time to shake things up

In September 2016 on September 29, 2016 at 12:17 pm


Sarah: In April this year I wrote an off-the-cuff post about career pathways and dreams for my future.

Little did I know what was around the corner! I’m delighted to report that this month I will start a new role as Adelaide Life Sciences Editor with The Conversation Australia.

So what’s The Conversation? Taken from their website:

The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public.

Our team of professional editors work with university, CSIRO and research institute experts to unlock their knowledge for use by the wider public.

My job will be to work with researchers to help them craft well-written, accessible and news-worthy articles that anyone can read for free.

It will be a busy, exciting and quite demanding role, so please bear with me as I settle in and work out my new modus operandi for blogging and social media.

Vive le changement!

Happy 4th bloggy birthday

In September 2016 on September 2, 2016 at 12:11 pm

birthday cake

Sarah: ScienceforLife.365 is through its toddler years and heading towards early childhood education!

With National Science Week 2016 in its final throes, I realised my blog was now 4 years old.

Born in National Science Week 2012, I blogged every day for a year, and celebrated by hosting a National Science Week 2013 Brain Break morning tea.

Since then, posts have appeared around once a week, mostly written be me but with fantastic guest contributions from Kirsti Abbott, Mia Cobb, Cameron Webb, Heather Bray, Tiki Swain, Geoff HudsonMatthew Bowie and several others.

In total, 508 items have been published, and the blog has accumulated more than 37,000 views and over 20,000 visitors. Thanks guys!

If you’re a new reader, welcome to ScienceforLife.365. You can use the search function to browse through posts on all sorts of daily issues, including:

…and so much more.

Now excuse me, I must go and eat cake.